
Losing all the teeth in an arch has a strong negative impact on oral health, but also a significant psychological effect. Mobile dentures help restore oral function, but they have aesthetic and functional shortcomings.

Dentosan Med Dental Clinic is there for patients who want complete oral rehabilitation with All on 4 / All on 6 dental implants.

The All on 4 / All on 6 implant technique is an ideal replacement for traditional dentures and implants. Many people lose self-confidence or suffer years of discomfort due to inadequate or inappropriate removable dentures. By choosing All on 4 / All on 6, you'll be able to smile without worrying about shifting teeth, no longer having to deprive yourself of the foods you love, use glue, remove your dentures before bed or worry about bad breath.

reabilitari dentare cu implanturi dentare totale Cluj

What is the All on 4 / All on 6 implant method?

The All on 4 / All on 6 method consists of placing four or six implants in the upper or lower jaw, as appropriate. The posterior implants are placed in a distal orientation to make maximum use of the bone structure present. Special implants are used to allow a temporary denture to be placed at the same time as the implants are fixed in the bone.

Therefore, the patient receives four or six implants and full dentures in the same appointment without a bone graft, going home after the procedure with a fixed replacement dentition. The All on 4 / All on 6 method is therefore an ideal solution for completely edentulous people who wish to wear a removable denture.

reabilitari dentare totale Cluj

Avantajele metodei All on 4 / All on 6

With the All on 4 / All on 6 dental implant procedure you can have natural-looking permanent teeth that are as comfortable as your real teeth. The new teeth on all four or six implants can be cleaned and brushed like natural teeth. You won't have to remove your dentures to soak them before bedtime.

The new denture won't need glue and won't put pressure on your gums, so you won't experience any discomfort; it allows you to eat without worry and bite down harder, so you can eat whatever you want. In addition, the All on 4 / All on 6 implantation technique also offers protection against loss of bone mass!


dr Cristiana Balog @ clinica stomatologica Dentosan Med Cluj

Dr. Cristiana Balog

- primary care dentist
- specialist in dento-alveolar surgery
- implantology
- competence in maxillo-dental radiology and radio-diagnosis

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Dental clinic in Cluj-Napoca, established in 2003 by Dr. Anton Balog and Dr. Cristiana Balog. The clinic offers complete dental treatments at the highest standards.

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